The Library is now offering full online access to the New York Times to everyone in the University community!
Create a FREE account and you’ll get all the Times’ content, including world news, politics, opinion, business, the arts, book reviews, the New York Times Magazine, as well as Spanish and Chinese editions and hundreds of articles published in other languages. To create your account from off-Grounds locations, users need to have their VPN turned on.
Once your account is created, the VPN is no longer needed.
This valuable resource, located in the Library’s A-Z Databases, offers not only current issues but a complete archive from when the paper started in 1851 to the present, a distinguished history (including 132 Pulitzer Prizes for journalism) which has established the Times as an authoritative news source, currently ranking 18th in the world by circulation and 3rd in the United States
You can access the recent Times archive (with full-text issues extending back to 2003) by typing “archive” in the website’s search box. Earlier material can be found by expanding the contents menu (three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner of the Times homepage). Click “More” to expand it further and select “Times Machine,” which will open access to every New York Times newspaper published before December 31, 2002.

The archive allows you to experience history as it happened, starting in 1851 — from calls for slavery’s abolition to the Civil War, from two world wars to the Civil Rights movement, from Vietnam to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the COVID-19 pandemic. You will see how journalistic styles and standards have evolved over time, and how the past can sometimes seem eerily similar to the present.
Accounts are available to active students, faculty, and staff with a email account.