

Molly Minturn

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Check out art created by, for, and about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, featuring everything from a graphic novel on surfing to a film about androids and grief.
Take a look at our list of books selected by our Librarian for English and by UVA students currently studying contemporary Jewish fiction.
UVA Library curators and archivists displayed Simón Bolívar’s silver and manuscripts, Fernando Bolívar’s papers, and portraits of both men that were donated to UVA in 1944 by the Venezuelan government.

Sue Donovan was raised in Middle Tennessee, where her mother was a storyteller and worked at the county library. “We basically grew up in the library. I brought books to school to read behind the books that we were supposed to read in class,” she said.

Did you know that Virginia recognized April as Arab American Heritage Month long before it became a national designation in 2022? You can help celebrate the many cultures represented by Arab Americans by exploring the wealth of literature and poetry held by the University of Virginia Library.

Guest post coauthored by Cecelia Parks (Undergraduate Student Success Librarian), and Alison Booth, (Professor of English and Academic Director, Scholars’ La

Sure, you can visit the University of Virginia Library to borrow books (we have more than 5 million of them!), to find a cozy study space, or even to


Guest post by Cecelia Parks, Undergraduate Student Success Librarian.

“Women Making Books” explores women’s contributions to English and North American bookmaking from the mid-18th to the 21st centuries.