Most UVA students, and a portion of faculty and post-docs, received an email from UVA Library on Monday, March 3, with the subject line, “Share Your Feedback on UVA Library Services.”
The link in the email, which is unique to the recipient, leads to a survey the Library conducts every few years. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the needs of our University community, and make future plans based on those needs.
Why does it matter?
Survey results help Library staff advocate for our community: In the past, survey results have affected decisions about method of delivery of library materials, access to collections, investment in electronic vs. physical materials, and use of spaces.
Additionally, responses to this survey contribute to long-term data gathered from previous surveys, helping us understand the goals, requirements, and habits of Library users over time.
People’s needs change; the Library wants to understand those changes and meet those needs.
What should I do now?
If you received the email from UVA Library on March 3, “Share Your Feedback on UVA Library Services,” please take the survey today!
The survey should take just about 10 minutes to complete, and will remain open until March 28.
Questions? Email