A footer serves site visitors who arrive at the bottom of a page without finding what they want.
In use
About this element
The footer provides a relatively-simple jumping-off point for someone who is looking for a next step.
Examples and code
Examples and code
Note: Need to make official decision about footers. Can they be consistent on all interfaces, and customized using prefooter?
Main, Virgo, Springshare
Show what the pre-footer space is used for
What can be changed and what needs to stay like the Main footer
Usability guidance
- Curate your footer. Footer links should point to popular content that might answer a visitor’s remaining questions. Links to disclaimers and legal content sometimes need to be in the footer, but try to minimize “disclaimer bloat” wherever possible.
- The footer doesn’t need to mirror the header. Link grouping in the footer does not have to mirror link grouping in top-level header navigation (especially if the navigation offers many more links than the footer can).
- Use tab focus. Code the navigation so that pressing the tab key moves focus from link to link in the navigation, even when the navigation has collapsed into an accordion.