
OriginPro 7.5 is an older Windows only software application that combines point-and-click interfaces for scientific graphing and analysis with a powerful programming environment. Features include presentation-quality graphics, intuitive analysis tools, the Origin C language, and elements of the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG®) function library.

Students, faculty and staff of the University of Virginia may obtain a license for OriginPro 7.5 for home or office use. The site-licensed version may only be used while they are affiliated with UVA.  We no longer support version upgrades for OriginPro. Version 7.5 is the only version offered.

Please visit the Service Center to obtain a license for your lab or personal computer. The software is downloadable, and you will need the executable, the serial number and the license key.


  1. Your download will include the executable for 7.5, the serial number and the license key.
  2. Double-click on the executable file (named as *.exe) and follow the instructions.

Questions? Email res-consult@virginia.edu

Last updated: 2/19/25