
These software products from GeoLytics make it easy for researchers to access and map data from the U.S. decennial census. We have both the Time Series Research Package and Census Reference Package. We have GeoLytics data on CD in the library. Please reach out to to access.

Time Series Research Package

Normalized Census Data

Comparing census data from different census years can be a difficult task due to changing geographic boundaries. These normalized data products from GeoLytics assist researchers with comparisons of data across time by adjusting and weighting the census data to account for changes in geographies.

  • 1980 Census in 2010 Boundaries
  • 1990 Census in 2010 Boundaries
  • 2000 Census in 2010 Boundaries
  • 1980 Census in 2000 Boundaries
  • 1990 Census in 2000 Boundaries
  • 2010 Census in 2000 Boundaries

Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB)

The NCDB makes it easy to compare a subset of 1000+ variables from the 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 decennial censuses. The datasets come in both their year-specific boundaries and also weighted to the 2010 census tract boundaries. Note that the NCDB is limited to census tracts only for the geography and therefore, smaller geographies (block group) or larger geographies (zip code, county, or state) are not available. This product is ideally suited for neighborhood (tract) time series analysis over the five census periods.

  • Neighborhood Change Database, 1970-2010
  • Neighborhood Change Database, 1970-2000

Census Reference Package

  • 2010 Census – short form, redistricting, ACS
  • 2000 Census – short form, long form, short form blocks, redistricting, redistricting blocks
  • 1990 Census – long form, blocks
  • 1980 Census – short form and long form down to the block group level
  • 1970 Census – long form
  • 1960 Census – urban long form includes data for 22,871 tracts from the urban parts of the country

Access Restrictions: UVA faculty, staff, and students

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