Christopher Welte

As the Senior User Experience Design and Development Engineer, Christopher creates usable and engaging interfaces to support the Library's mission. These interfaces include the Library's website, digital and physical signage, and repository applications such as Virgo and Libra.

Erich Purpur

Erich uses his background in geography, his GIS expertise, and his MLS to provide department liaison support and outreach to science and engineering disciplines, including subject and information databases, data management and use, and information literacy and spatial methods. As part of the Social, Natural, and Engineering Sciences team, Erich serves as the liaison to Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Statistics, and Systems & Information Engineering.

Brenda Gunn

Brenda is director of the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library and of the Harrison Institute for American History, Literature, and Culture. She leads a team who engages users in reference and public service, educates using primary sources for instruction, elevates discovery of our collections, and excites visitors with our rotating exhibitions.