Book Donations and other gifts-in-kind

The University of Virginia Library is grateful for offers of gifts of materials for its collections. The Library welcomes donated books and manuscripts that enhance its collections in support of the University’s teaching and research needs.

The Library declines offers of gifts if they duplicate existing holdings, if the subject matter is outside the scope of its collections, if the materials are in poor condition, if there are donor restrictions the Library cannot honor, or if the Library’s resources are unable to accommodate the material.

The Library requires a full list of the items on offer.

We appreciate donations in kind that are accompanied by donations of funds to assist in the long term care of gifts.

In accordance with our gift policies, donations of books and other research materials are accepted only after careful evaluation. Because of constraints on shelving space, as well as significant costs for evaluating and processing gifts of tangible personal property, the Library is unable to accept materials for the circulating collections unless prior arrangements have been made between the donor and a collections management librarian.

Materials deposited at any library building without prior arrangement will not be evaluated for acceptance.

Please contact collections management librarian Leigh Rockey at or (434) 924‐3812 to discuss possible gifts of books or other materials before sending them. Library staff are not permitted to appraise gifts.