Quantum Levitation: Traversing the boundaries between physics and design

By ss5u |

"Quantum Levitation" is an exhibit of photographs that gives the viewer a rare glimpse into the unusual world of superconductivity, where some materials brought to very low temperatures create a quantum wave that expels magnetic fields, allowing for the amazing property of levitation. The exhibit is part of a greater endeavor to foster a new kind of dialogue between physicists, designers, and graphic artists. It seeks to find new ways to present complex phenomena such as superconductivity to the public at large and, by doing so, to reimagine physics. Janet Rafner, a 4th year physics major and studio art minor, developed this photo exhibition as part of a summer internship working with the ‘Physics Reimagined’ outreach team at the University of Paris-Sud.

Start date
End date
Quantum Levitation exhibit at the Physics Library
Exhibition category
online exhibition
Main Exhibit
Quantum Levitation exhibit at the Physics Library