The Middle Atlantic Chapter of American Rhododendron Society established this book fund endowment in 1989 in appreciation of the valuable service being performed for the chapter by Alderman Library’s Collection department. The fund was created to buy library materials relating to the genus Rhododendron.
On Bookplate:
A gift of the Middle Atlantic Chapter of
the American Rhododendron Society in
Memory of Dr. Thomas Foster Wheeldon
with Special Appreciation to Mr. and Mrs.
E. Donald Hirsch; Mr. Kenneth and Dr.
Sandra McDonald, Jr. and Mrs. Wheeldon.
On Bookplate:
A gift of the Middle Atlantic Chapter of
the American Rhododendron Society in
Memory of Dr. Thomas Foster Wheeldon
with Special Appreciation to Mr. and Mrs.
E. Donald Hirsch; Mr. Kenneth and Dr.
Sandra McDonald, Jr. and Mrs. Wheeldon.
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