

Amber Lautigar Reichert

Recent articles

It’s Fair Use Week! UVA Library’s Director of Information Policy, Brandon Butler, penned a piece for Harvard’s Fair Use Week series that examines the origins of AI training data and its intersections with court cases such as those around HathiTrust and Google Books.
It’s Love Data Week! Senior Research Data Management Librarian Laura Hjerpe shares some resources for using data to better understand central Virginia and the lives of its inhabitants.
Feeling silly? We support this. Here are some jokes to help you spread the goof.
This season is packed with distractions! Here's some encouragement and advice from your UVA Library.
You’re in good company if you feel worn town this season. Here's some encouragement and advice from your UVA Library.
This can be a stressful time of year, for a lot of reasons. Here's some encouragement and advice from your UVA Library.
On Friday, December 1, Leidy Klotz, who is a UVA faculty member and author, will give a talk in the Harrison/Small auditorium about his recent book. The event is free and open to all.
This year’s theme for Open Access Week is “Community over Commercialization.” The UVA Library supports quite a few programs around open publishing, and aims to facilitate information-sharing through tools, assistance, and the power of the academic community.
National Coming Out Day began in 1988 and is a holiday to embrace the LGBTQ+ community and boost its visibility in our day-to-day life. Here are some resources to deepen your knowledge, your understanding, and your research.
“The Harlem Renaissance has come to the University of Virginia’s Grounds,” begins a UVA Today article featuring the Library’s newest exhibition. “[The exhibition] examines the works in the period of Black artistic and intellectual activity centered in a New York neighborhood. The Harlem Renaissance began in the early 1900s as racist violence and diminishing economic opportunity pushed Black…