The Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library provides research support and collections for architecture, art history, archaeology, and the classics department. We offer research and software consultation, image scanning, and spaces for quiet study, collaboration, meetings, and video conferencing.
In addition, the Fine Arts Library features the Materials Collection, which contains building samples, and the R Lab, a space dedicated to collaborative work, which has special reservation options to accommodate faculty.
Study spaces in the Fine Arts Library include a large open area on the main floor, containing tables and comfortable seating, and a variety of options on the second floor, including study carrels and tables.

Tech spaces

The R Lab is a multi-use room available for events and larger group meetings. There is seating for 15+, several computers, and large wall monitors. The space is available for studying when it's not reserved. Find out more and request a reservation.
Other spaces

The Materials Collection contains construction materials of a wide variety, which visitors can handle freely. The room contains a table that seats eight and is located on the main floor.

The Fine Arts conference room is available for reservation in the evenings. The room seats eight and is located on the main floor.