AMOS is an easy-to-use software package intended for structural equation modeling. AMOS stands for Analysis of Moment Structures.  AMOS provides you with powerful and easy-to-use structural equation modeling (SEM) software. You can create more realistic models than if you used standard multivariate statistics or multiple regression models alone. Using AMOS, you specify, estimate, assess, and present your model in an intuitive path diagram to show hypothesized relationships among variables.


Faculty and staff of the University who have an office in Charlottesville where they work at least twice a week may obtain a license for AMOS for home or office use. The site-licensed version may only be used while you are employed by UVA and can be obtained from the UVA Software Gateway.

Graduate students may obtain a license for a copy of AMOS that is installed on a University of Virginia computer in an office on-Grounds.

Students may also access this program with Remote Desktop.


AMOS installation instructions for site license users can be found here.

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Last updated: 10/26/21